Friday 26 December 2008

First post, please be gentle!


This is my first foray into blogging, I always was slow to catch onto trends. Anyway, as you might have guessed from the blog title, my name is Stuart, or any variation you like. Studog is a good one, but Disco Stu never really took off. For more about me, see my profile.

My blog's name is taken from a quote by my housemate Alun. He once uttered 'What is Alun?', and it has frequently been repeated. That there is a back story to this detracts from its esoteric nature, and also it's boring, so I wont tell it. I actually wanted to call it 'Something Profound', but for starters it was taken, and also I have a feeling it wouldn't be true.

I have been inspired to blog mostly my the blogs that my friends have set up, and some are very insightful. Ed's blog ( is limited to 22 words per post, and teaches the value of being concise. I shall try not to ramble.

So as this is my first post, I shall tell you about the beginnings of this blog. How I started: apparently, my email address was already taken (huh?), so I reset the password as you are allowed to do, and found that someone in Pakistan had somehow set up a google account with my email address. They didn't appear to be using it, so I changed the password and user details and reclaimed my rightful google account. Take that, Pakistan!

My reason for starting: I have thoughts on several topics I wish to commit to the ages, or at least as long as we have the internet. They include, but are not limited to:

Music, art, literature and films.
Meteorology and climate change, and the environment in general. You will find a large number of blogs on this topic, some agreeing with the IPCC's doom and gloom, others vehemently against it to the point of accusations of lying and conspiracy. I expect to cover some middle ground.
General life and love, though I hope I don't treat this as a diary, I do hope at least some other people read it!
Christianity, criticisms of my own and considered responses to its more fundamentalist detractors.

Occasionally I might blog about politics too, but you should ignore those because I wont have a clue what I'm on about.


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